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Meet Elissa, RVT

Follow up to our post about October being RVT Appreciation month: Meet Elissa.

She graduated from NSAC in April 2007and started as an RVT here in August of 2007.

Elissa has a passion for animals and is responsible for the care of many patients during surgeries, dentistries, radiographs and also counsels on pet nutririon. Elissa is eager to do continuing education and build on her knowledge. This is a field of perpetual learning which keeps things interesting. Many days at work are filled with a wide variety of patients, procedures and emergencies.

Elissa also looks after ordering from a compounding pharmacy and coordinates training hours for several students who are working towards a career in the veterinary world.

Elissa's family consists of 3 cats, two children and one husband.

She is a volunteer with Girl Guides of Canada and GGPAC.

We are grateful to have her on our team!


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