Dental Information from Petsecure
Examining and assessing your pet’s mouth, teeth and gums is a standard part of
veterinary yearly checkups.
February is #PetDentalHealth month.
Below are a few benefits of routine dental care:
• A pain-free mouth with fresh breath.
• A decrease in tooth loss, gum disease and need for extractions
• Prevention of complications from heart, liver, and kidney disease.
• Early intervention for oral and throat cancers.
If signs of dental problems are present during your pets’ checkup, an extensive exam
that includes dental x-rays will be required to assess the issue. Major extractions can
double if not triple the cost of a dental procedure. An exam could identify:
• Broken or loose teeth
• Extra teeth or retained baby teeth
• Discoloured teeth
• Bad breath
• Plaque or tartar buildup
• Swelling, pain, or bleeding in
or around the mouth
• Abnormal chewing, drooling,
or food dropping
• Reduced appetite or refusing
to eat
If you have any concerns about your pet's dental health please conact us to schedule a health exam.
