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Avian Flu information

We are sharing this information here as we often have people either call or show up with injred or deceased birds.

Please call the 1 800 565 2224 number about any sick, injured or deceased birds until further notice.

This is shared from the Nova Scotia Bird Society Page as of March 15 2022:

DNRR is now recommending that people remove backyard feeders. The virus has spread to jays and crows. Both of these species are frequent visitors to feeding and watering stations. The virus is spread in bird fluids and feces and healthy birds are more likely to come in contact with other birds' fluids and waste when they gather, like they do at feeders.

DNRR would also like us to remind you not to touch live or dead wild birds. If you see a dead bird, contact DNRR at 1-800-565-2224. Department employees will collect any sick, injured or dead birds and then may test it for avian influenza. These people are properly trained for collection and have the necessary gear to do this safely.

Current Messages regarding AI, including guidance on backyard bird feeding:

A highly infectious strain of avian influenza, called H5N1, has been detected in Nova Scotia. The virus spreads easily and can cause large scale disease and death in wild and domestic species.

Nova Scotians should not feed or handle wild birds. Central feeding points, like backyard feeders, cause birds to gather in one place where the virus can be spread.

Nova Scotians can protect birds by not using backyard bird feeders. Removing feeders will help stop the virus from spreading.

Report injured, sick or dead birds by calling 1-800-565-2224.

The virus poses little risk to people. There have been no reported human cases of avian influenza in Nova Scotia.


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